How can you earn more with WHIDE? For the first time in India, we bring to you the concept of “Drive & Deliver”. With the WHIDE App and our platform, you won’t be earning money only from completing rides but also delivering things. You can deliver food, grocery, medicines and personal parcels and do offline shopping for your customers. You get paid for doing every task. Each one of them has a different charge and delivery slot.

If you’re a local shop or restaurant owner, you can register with us and list your shop on the WHIDE platform so that your regular customers who are not able to come to you in person due to any reason, including any emergency lockdown situations by local authorities or the government, can reach out to you and order what they like from your shop. WE DON’T TAKE ANY COMMISSION FOR ANY ORDER MADE TO YOU VIA OUR APP!



On the WHIDE platform, you will get a variety of ride jobs to choose from – like regular city-ride, rental rides, scheduled rides and outstation trips. You can also work as a hired driver for the customer’s car. And the best part is our “Trusted Driver” feature. Now, give your customers the touch of your trust. Any customer who takes a ride with you and likes your service can add you to their list of Trusted Drivers. They are basically your own personal customer. The next time, they will themselves call you and give you a ride-job directly on the WHIDE app but we won’t randomly match the customer with any other driver when they’re looking only for you and want to ride with just you. Like a family, a friend, or a well-wisher.


You don’t get paid for only driving but also delivering food and other shopping items to your customers. Many times, the customer is busy with their work or personal life and needs help in doing some urgent or essential shopping from a nearby store. Not every shop is listed on the big delivery apps. So, the customer would like to order their favourite food, grocery, clothing, sanitary or medical items from a local shop and place an order to get an item from there. You receive the order from the shop and deliver it to the mentioned address. That’s it! WHIDE is India’s first and the only platform which offers such an exclusive and unique service. So, you are likely to earn more and more, every day!


You can also choose to do delivery tasks on WHIDE if you want. Our customers might want to send something important as a quick parcel within the city to someone else, whether from home or from office or someone else’s place. To solve this issue, we have introduced the special feature of same-day and intracity parcel delivery via the WHIDE app. You simply check the delivery slot and speed, and deliver the package to the customer or anyone they want you to on the very same day – and, your job is done! You can perform the job of transferring anything from anywhere to anywhere in the form of a parcel – from very small in size to large ones. You can pick your own time slot and delivery speed, and earn limitless!



Big cab/taxi service companies take a big commission for every ride that you complete. Is it fair? Of course not! And, it’s not even fixed. They cut anywhere from 20% to 40% from the ride fare, and you get a meagre amount for your hard work. We want to change this. That’s why we Charge 0% Commission from all our Driver-Partners. You pay zero commission and earn more!


We are very serious about transparency. Every bill, receipt and invoice at WHIDE is transparent to the users/passengers, driver-partners, dispatchers and small businesses. You will get exactly the same amount as what you see at the start of your ride or delivery task. Since we don’t charge any commissions or levy any hidden charges, the initial/projected bill and the final bill is always the same.


You can do much more when you become a trusted driver of any customer on our app. “Trusted Driver” means the customer likes you and is comfortable taking rides with or giving you delivery tasks. So, any customer who wants to directly give tasks to you in the future can add you to their “Trusted Drivers” list. Next time when they want to book a ride or delivery, they can simply select you for the job.


Making fixed customers is fairly easy on the Whide App. If you like a particular customer, their behaviour, and the way they talk, you can simply add them to your “Trusted Customer” list. You can tell them to use your wCODE and give you a ride or delivery task directly or they can simply select your name from the list while confirming the booking. They can also give you scheduled booking for up to a week.


Whide is not a platform for just ride and delivery jobs but also for networking with your driver friends, dispatchers and small businesses. You get to know your fellow mates and create your own peer group. With this, you can share any crucial information and reach out to someone you know, in case of an important need or emergency.


This is another unique and powerful feature of the Whide app. If you’re busy with some personal work or won’t be able to make it to the pickup point on time or for any other reason, then you can transfer the job to someone you know on the same platform. It’s an and convenient facility that would help both your fellow drivers and the customers. This way, you will also contribute to the community and ensure prompt services to your trusted customers.


Mobile GPS and Location-Based Apps don’t give you the exact location and distance because of technical reasons. As a result, you end up paying more for every cab ride that you take. To resolve this issue, we have installed Letstrack’s Real-Time & Voice-Enabled GPS Devices in all the WHIDE cabs. Since we take the distance directly from GPS devices, even if you’re passing through a tunnel or underpass, the device records the exact GPS location every time.