WHIDE enables you to choose, select, and decide from a gamut of choices that make for a fulfilling ride-hailing experience. When you book your rides with WHIDE, you have the power to choose the driver that you feel comfortable with and you can rate each ride based on your experience which contributes to maintaining overall quality.
When you book your rides with WHIDE, you not only ensure the safest and the happiest experience but also earn good karma. Every time you use WHIDE for any kind of paid service, the money directly to the providers, without any commissions.
We believe it is our responsibility to empower the oppressed and exploited. Therefore we created a system where every service provider is given an equal opportunity to grow with the power of democratization of margins.
Our Fleet consists of the drivers that chose WHIDE at a difficult juncture in their lives. But we were fortunate enough to help them and gave them an escape route to the promised land - Helping them take control of their business and earnings.
But Democratizing any of the existing system Requires the effort and contribution from the people
You can easily do that by choosing WHIDE for all your cab riding needs. Remember what goes around comes around
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We love reading what you have to say and are always excited to hear from you. Our CEO often personally reads this, so we take it extra seriously.
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